8.3 C
недела, 23 март, 2025
Пела Радио

Radio Pela Media undertakes to protect and respect privacy when visiting and using our website www.radiopela.mk

Through our website,www.radiopela.mk, we do not collect personal data, such as addresses, e-mail contacts, etc., unless someone voluntarily decides to provide us with such data through targeted online forms, such as applying for a particular event, or by sending a comment.

We keep a record of individuals who contact us by email, phone or letter for any further information or assistance in case we need to contact them later.

We do not sell or rent web generated mailing lists or other personal information.

We strongly oppose the use of published contact information by third parties for the need to send unwanted ads. As a publisher, we reserve the right to take legal action in the event of unwanted e-mails, spam or the sending of any advertising information.

Automatic internet data retrieval
For informative use of our services, it is generally not necessary to provide personal identification data. For such use, we collect and use the data that the Internet browser automatically transmits to us.

Порталот ПелаМК користи колачиња за да го подобри вашето искуство. Можете да се откажете во секое време. Прифаќам Повеќе